The Hunting of the Snark


New Doctor Who in 222 words

Filed under: Snarky — Jeremy Irish @ 06:15
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It’s livable.

I guess you could say I’m a Doctor Who fan—my wife and I own all the boxed sets from the modern version, and I bought her a Dalek bubble bath for Christmas.

One thing the historical record proves is that the first show in a Who series is no indicator whatsoever of what the rest of the episodes will be like. So I’m trying hard not to make any judgments about the plot just yet. Looking forward to tonight’s broadcast, though.

Meanwhile, I’m sure I can find some judgments to make about the opening title sequence.

The music in particular. I think we have taken a step backwards here. Murray Gold’s scoring is usually so sensitive (is this even his work? I’m not sure), but the latest remix sounds like a track out of a 16-bit 90s video game. Where is the kickin’ guitar? What’s with those horns at the beginning? Why is the melody completely buried under heartbeat-of-a-Time-Lord rhythm section?

On the other hand, I personally do not have serious issues with the graphics, unlike a lot of people. Yeah, the Explosion of Flame is a biiit much… But hey, it’s a new era. Or maybe a new timeline.

I’ve just popped back from the future and can tell you that I will visit this topic again.

– The Snark

1 Comment »

  1. […] convincing job with Doctor Who: Confidential these days, though. The theme tune mix is actually better than before, and so are the interviews. Previously they had been edited to feature a great many […]

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